Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What am I buying?

The market is getting hit. That is bad news if you've been waiting to sell your positions all at once, but it's great news if you are still buying for income. I continue to look for value priced companies with strong dividend records. The goal is to generate a significant portion of our annual income from our dividend stream.

If I were a betting man I'd expect the market to end up about 100 points today...

(If I were a betting man)



Over the holidays I began receiving quite a few questions about investing. I sat down with one family to talk about retirement, investing for income, downsizing, etc. It was a wonderful visit and conversation and I enjoyed the time immensely. It occurs to me that many readers of this column might have similar questions.

It would be time and cost prohibitive for me to sit and visit with even a plurality of our readers. I can however offer to answer question posted or sent to me. By posting my answers here and keeping your identity anonymous we can all benefit from the valuable comments left by other readers of this blog.

Joseph Sweeney